Reboot, Part 2


One trigger for my "Reboot" journey was the UBS advertising campaign, about two years ago : "Is 60 the new 40?" "Will I have the drive to enjoy it ? Or the plan to make it happen". While I did not call UBS for investment advice, the memorable tagline did inspire me to take the plunge to leave my comfort zone then and change and try to transform myself on a new career path. So far so good but nothing in life is easy.

I was on the plane the other day, and I had to smile when I read in the INT newspaper a new advertising campaign from UBS : "What if I live to 100?", "Should I make life simpler? Do I have the right plan?". What came to my mind then, was that this global company must have done a lot of research, related to their client base, I presume "middle-aged" people like me on what's important and top of their mind at this time in their career. And they have come with a smart corporate advertising tag line and campaign.

A related inspiration for me that led to my change was actually also a similar quote, a paragraph from the Annual Family Letter from my friend Andreas Von Specht : " father turned 92 this year, he is in great health and spirits..............traveling, golf, ......etc..... enjoying life, .....although sometimes he still wonders if he retired too early at 62.....". 30 years of retirement? Hmmm....that's an awful long time and still going.

My father passed away at a rather young age of 59, but my mother is now still a healthy 88 years old. So perhaps there are some good genes in the family and with a "healthier" lifestyle and advanced medical science, I need to prepare myself from now with the prospects that I could live until 100 ; but more importantly I felt that the above reaffirms and supports my decision to "reboot" and discover new career growth and opportunities.

So while it's early days in my new career and life journey, I thought it is also a good time to reflect now on how to be better prepared to live until "old age". My finances for sure, how to lead a "balanced" life? How to savor life and live life to its fullest? The importance of friendships? Contributing to society and making a positive difference in the life of others?

Perhaps one activity I am grateful for that has sustained me and which I should continue to do is my "marathon journey". After all life, careers is also a marathon, and perhaps that will be part 3 of this story?

The original article was published in LinkedIn by Johannes Wardhana: Link


Reboot part 3 : The Beginning


Reboot, Part 1