What differentiates and separates great leaders from ordinary leaders?

"Great Leaders can connect the unseen dots".

 (Excerpts from a conversation with Bapak Teddy Rachmat in a 2016 dinner in Jakarta).

We aspire to be the best provider of access and insights for candidates with working experience in Indonesia. We thrive in listening to people's life and career stories and their narratives and learning about their life achievements and what makes them great leaders.

 The foundation of Wardhana & Co is our past professional experience, our professional business networks, and personal connections built since the late 1980s in Indonesia. Finding the right candidate with the right chemistry and fit for your company is always a lengthy and challenging process, and the more senior the position, the more complex it usually gets.

What you want to avoid is falling into a situation described by an Indonesian saying "Beli kucing dalam karung" (Buying a cat in a sack) which means you buy something unknown, in this case, hiring someone you don't really know, ending up with disappointment. 

We are proud of our ability to assess leaders, benchmark them against others, knowing their background and career history intimately, enabling us to reference their reputation and help you hire the right candidate for you and avoid making the wrong people decision.

Before deciding on external hiring decisions, we always like to ask you first if you have looked at your internal organization. Is there anyone in your organization who can step up but need interventions? Have they reached their full potential?  Our experience suggests, that it’s always best practice to have internal candidates objectively put side by side with external candidates to arrive at the best solution.

Finding the right candidate for you is only a job half done.

The other half is making sure that the selected candidate integrates well and is contributing as expected in his/her new position. This is where we will continue our work with you by getting involved in their integration process for at least a year, to ensure that the candidate gets traction quickly, avoiding early “misunderstandings” or “misalignments” with the new company culture and leadership team and performing as expected.